The first few years of life are a time on incredible growth and learning. Parents are the experts on their child, but sometimes there are questions!
Champions for Children has Licensed Professional Counselors and Child Development Specialists that can help you get to the root of the issues. We can provide detailed assessments in order to identify, evaluate, and analyze problems and issues with children. Assessments help us plan interventions, identify communication and relationship issues, define treatment goals, and collect an overall picture of the functioning of the child from many perspectives. In addition, assessments can also help identify a child’s perspective of familial systems as well as school issues.
Developmental Checklists
Do you ever wonder if your child is "on track?" Click the picture below to download developmental checklists or complete an online developmental checklist to celebrate your child's milestones! Contact Champions today if you have questions or concerns about your child's development.
Download the Milestones Tracker App to receive information on your child's development throughout as they growth and development.
Champions for Children is proud to be a State of Texas Ambassador for Learn the Signs. Act Early. We can help you work through your child's milestone checklists and identify next steps!