Help Your Child Succeed
Would you like to attend a conference or seminar to learn more about how to help your child succeed?
Our Annual Conferences
Champions for Children hosts four conferences annually. Two of the conferences are designed to provide information pertinent to parents and professionals who work with children. All conferences are presented by experienced professionals.
Brighter Future Symposium
The Brighter Future Symposium provides evidence-based research and cutting edge techniques for parents and adults helping children with learning and behavioral challenges or special health needs.
Who should attend?
Adults helping children with learning and behavioral challenges and special health needs: Parents, Teachers, School Administrators, Occupational / Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Behavioral Specialists, Counselors, Special Education Instructors, Early Childhood Educators.
Conference of Champions
Presented by experienced professionals, the Conference of Champions provides learning opportunities to energize your parenting skills! Held annually in October at Tyler Junior College.
Who should attend?
Parents, Childcare Workers / Providers, Center Directors, Preschool and Head Start Teachers.
Brain Gym® 101 Seminar
This three day seminar is the first class in the Brain Gym® track to certification. It is an in-depth look at the 26 Brain Gym® exercises to help with whole brain integration. Brain Gym® is an internationally program committed to the principle that moving with intention leads to optimal learning. Brain Gym® develops the brain’s neural pathways the way nature does – through movement.
Brain Gym® movements work so well, they often bring about dramatic improvements in areas such as: concentration and focus, memory, academics (reading, writing, math, test taking), physical coordination, relationships, self-responsibility, organization skills, attitude, general development and better self-control. It is also great at reducing stress.
Who should attend?
Parents, Teachers, School Administrators, Occupational / Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Behavioral Specialists, Counselors, Special Education Instructors, Early Childhood Educators.